What are the top 5 security issues of social media and how to overcome them?
What to do if your child experience a Cyberbullying?
WoW: Fastest Electric Car in The World Revealed!


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10 Youtubers Who Make Over $1Million A Month

A decade ago, if you had said to someone that someday you could make over a million dollars a month on YouTube, they would’ve most

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The Cloud

Warning! Health concerns from the 5g technology

With the technological revolution at its brink and new concepts taking birth, we are at the golden age of science and technology. 5G technology is

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Online Education

Top Celebrity Tech Investors 2022

Technology is at the center of everyone’s life, whether you access products or services, manage your finances, travel, or even watch your favorite TV shows.

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Cyber security

Once And For All: Is Zoom Safe to Use?

The dramatic increase in the number of Zoom users has been noticeable during the last months. In fact, just in 3 months, the number of

Free VPN
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Is a Free VPN Safe? What’s the Catch?

Virtual private networks (VPNs) are in high demand now that many people concern about their online privacy. As a result, the virtual private network (VPN)

Autonomous car sensor system concept for safety of driverless mode car control
The Cloud

How Safe is Your Self-driving Car?

Autonomous automobiles have been described for decades as the cars of the future. The 21st century has given rise to many advancements in technology, automated

how to buy NFT?
The Cloud

How to buy NFT’s?

Introduction NFTs (Non-fungible Tokens) can be a confusing area to get into. It’s important to know how they work and the advantages of using them

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Cyber security

5 Safe video chat alternative to zoom

Zoom video conferencing has faced some heavy criticism during the last months.  From questionable security practices to mistakes that could put personal information at risk.

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Cyber security

How to Choose a VPN: Everything You Need to Know

So, you’re searching for a VPN service? That’s a brilliant idea, as these tools offer a plethora of advantages, ranging from IP address masking and