Obama, Amazon CEO & Bill Gates’s Accounts Were Hacked!

The tweet was deleted from Twitter, but it reappeared later. Elon Musk and other celebrities, entertainers, and politicians were subjected to a similar response from Twitter. According to a public database of transactions, there has been a reported $113,000 in bitcoin transactions through the link in the fraud.

Cameron Winklevoss, a famous bitcoin investor, issued a public warning about the hack after his Gemini co-founders’ cryptocurrency accounts were hacked in the incident, along with several others. “DO NOT PARTICIPATE! This is a SCAM!” Winklevoss penned a letter to the editor. “Always be on the lookout!” Things aren’t looking good. Even though Gemini had a “strong password” and two-factor authentication, Winklevoss asserted that the security compromise occurred despite the multiple layers of securities.

Obama, Amazon CEO & Bill Gates's Accounts Were Hacked! 1

Who hacked Twitter Bitcoin?

Recently, the hacker responsible for last year’s massive Twitter hack was sentenced to prison time. According to the Tampa Bay Times, Graham Ivan Clark, a 16-year-old hacker who gained access to Twitter’s infrastructure and exploited verified accounts to defraud users of Bitcoin, was sentenced to prison for three years and would pay a fine of the equivalent to the money that he stole.

Early summer of the year 2020, Clark’s hack swept the internet. Several high-profile, verified accounts and prominent companies like Uber and apple were hacked on July 15. As mentioned above in this article, one of the most famous bitcoin scams that have circulated quickly on the platform is an offer to double the amount of Bitcoin someone submitted to an address mentioned in the tweets. These accounts were being promoted. Before Twitter’s hacking shutdown, Clark was able to defraud victims out of over $100,000 in Bitcoin.

A three-year prison sentence might not seem a lot, but we have a law that 17 years of age is not subjected to serve many years in prison. As a “youthful offender,” Clark was punished as a 17-year-old when the hack occurred. Because he’s under the age of majority, the hacker won’t have to spend a life term in jail for the elderly. There is a possibility that Clark will be allowed to serve a portion of his sentence at a military-style boot camp. Clark will also have to complete three years of probation after completing his sentence. If probation is violated, the minimum term of 10 years will be reinstated.

How did they catch the Twitter hackers?

Online hacking is nothing new, and what better time than now to discuss the world of Twitter hacking. People who have a Twitter account, which most people do, have probably noticed unsolicited messages coming from unknown people. It could be anything from a link to a funny video to a request for money.

The hacker that made global headlines for targeting over 150 celebrities on Twitter, including Miley Cyrus, was tracked down by the FBI through the help of a 14-year-old girl. According to new reports, the hacker used “Sabu” and “Phineas Fisher” to disguise his identity online. Still, the teen uncovered his identity based on his internet searches.

According to Twitter’s records, this occurred on July 15, the same day as the hack. Clark, the hacker who used Kirk#5270’s Discord credentials, contacted two other people to assist him in monetizing his access to the server. Court filings suggest that “Kirk#5270” (a Discord user) approached two other members of the users’ Discord channel, a community dedicated to hackers selling and purchasing social media accounts to buy and sell their accounts. FBI and other government authorities made a huge lead using the discord chat logs.


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