Warning! Hacker may Hack your computer if you Watch These Videos

Inexperienced users and kids are very vulnerable to this kind of attacks because some pages can sometimes look legitimate, and the promise of a free update that will give you a better browsing experience can 

Video Description Links

One of the most common scams is the ones that target people looking for specific content. In this case, kids are very vulnerable because they can easily be tricked into clicking an external link.

The easiest way to spot this kind of scam is by noticing that the video is not the actual content you are looking for, usually promising you a Full HD Movie but instead, you get an ad that tells you to click in the link on the description.

For people who are trying to watch a movie, it is not uncommon to feel compelled to click on that link. But just like the links in the comment section you just get redirected to an external page that can put your security at risk.

Unsecure Websites

Some streaming services can put your security at risk without you even noticing it. This is the case with websites that do not comply with security certificates and encryptions

Just navigating a suspicious website can have a negative impact and puts you at risk. This is even worse when you stream a video because unencrypted videos stream information that can be accessed by anyone. 

Many websites, especially the ones that stream free movies have very low-security standards and are full of unethical people. Comment sections might not be moderated and all which makes it unsuitable for curious kids looking to watch a movie.

Besides the very questionable content that you or a family member could be exposed to, links to malicious websites are even more common than more family-friendly websites like youtube. These links serve the same purpose of taking you away to a malicious website and stealing your information. 


Thanks to YouTube’s monetization ads can be seen in basically every video on the platform. However, it is not the YouTube ads the ones you should be worrying about so much about. It’s the ads that show on other unregulated and unmoderated video streaming platforms.

Some ads offer you things that are clearly a scam for experienced users. But for the occasional non-tech user these offers can prove to be irresistible. Some ads can simply look like a normal link that takes you to an interesting webpage in which you can consume some more content.

Other ads, however, can go as far as to tell you that a virus was detected on your device and that you must download a program to get rid of it. Again, an experienced user will be aware of the risk of downloading the software, but the idea of being infected with a virus will drive many people to find a “solution” when in reality, the software that they would be downloading is malware.


Protecting yourself from an attack is not really complicated. Thanks to advances in technology and encryption methods your identity can be safe if you follow some simple cybersecurity rules.

  • Educate family members about malicious links and social hacking.
  • In-office environments educate employees about social engineering.
  • For kids, download the youtube kids app which will limit the amount of mature content that a kid can be exposed to.
  • Avoid visiting suspicious websites and clicking on ads that sound “too good to be true”.
  • Install an antivirus program that includes safe browsing features.

Keeping your devices and family secure from attacks means that you should be aware of the different tools that a hacker can use to steal your information. Following some simple steps, you’ll avoid security issues when watching videos on the internet.


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